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Network for Circular Plastic Packaging (on behalf of the Danish Plastics Federation)

Tags: Guides: Design for Recyclability

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Reuse and Recycling of Plastic Packaging for Private Consumers

This manual shows how circular plastic packaging for private use should be designed.

Publisher: Network for Circular Plastic Packaging (on behalf of the Danish Plastics Federation)

Cost: Free

Published: February 2019

Pages: 10


Organisations involved:
This guide is brought to you by the Network for Circular Plastic Packaging (on behalf of the Danish Plastics Federation). The working group behind the guidelines consists of representatives from multi-stakeholder partner companies and organisations, including multinationals and NGOs.

How does it work?
This design guide is intended to provide an overview of the considerations and decisions that influence the development of recycling and reuse practices for plastic packaging for private consumers. It delves into the four concepts for circular plastic: Refuse, Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.

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