United Kingdom
Recyclability by Design
Extensive guidelines on recyclability of different packaging features such as material, closures, labels, inks, coatings, etc.
Publisher: Recoup
Cost: Free
Published: June 2017
Pages: 50
Organisations involved
RECOUP (RECycling of Used Plastics Limited) is a registered charity and not-for-profit member based organisation. RECOUP works in collaboration with stakeholders to increase the levels of plastics recycling within the UK
RECOUP (RECycling of Used Plastics Limited) is a registered charity and not-for-profit member based organisation. RECOUP works in collaboration with stakeholders to increase the levels of plastics recycling within the UK
How does it work?
The guidance is a detailed document to be used by packaging manufacturers and developers, to aid in the production of packaging by looking at recyclability from the outset. To ensure the accuracy, RECOUP have engaged with sorting facilities and re-processors to ensure the information is current, informative and accurate. Includes detailed technical tables that explain how packaging features such as closures, body or decoration, for instance, are compatible or not suitable for recycling.
The guidance is a detailed document to be used by packaging manufacturers and developers, to aid in the production of packaging by looking at recyclability from the outset. To ensure the accuracy, RECOUP have engaged with sorting facilities and re-processors to ensure the information is current, informative and accurate. Includes detailed technical tables that explain how packaging features such as closures, body or decoration, for instance, are compatible or not suitable for recycling.