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The Carbon Trust

Tags: LCA Tool

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Footprint Express

A desktop-based software tool enabling companies to calculate a product or service footprint consistent carbon footprint measurements for products and services

Publisher: The Carbon Trust

Cost: Free

Pages: 10


Organisations involved
This platform was developed by Carbon Trust, a specialist partner for international businesses, governments and organisations. Carbon Trust helps to manifest ambitious plans for a sustainable, low carbon future. The company believes that environmental sustainability and economic prosperity works in conjunction with one another as the world addresses the climate crisis.

How does it work?
Footprint Express works like other Carbon Footprinting tools in that it provides the baseline needed to implement an effective sustainability and carbon reduction strategy. It can help businesses identify waste, reduce costs, boost sales and enhance their brands. 
Footprint Express measures emissions under a company’s direct control (Scope 1 and 2) as well as the organisation's indirect emissions (Scope 3). 

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